The right walk in Virtue, Faith, Hope, and Love is the key to Blessing

From Pastor Ty Alexander: The troubles of life are hard to understand, but there is a misunderstood key to unlocking what you need to know about why bad things happen, even to those who do not deserve them. Most people, and especially the world of science, blame bad things on physical and biological workings and even on random chance - simple accidents - but what I've found through decades of ministry and counseling is that our troubles are nearly NEVER because of random chance and usually ALWAYS have a spiritual reason.

Yet after teaching these basic principles of how the world works for many years, it dismays me to see so many people, especially those who believe in God and the spiritual world, will completely reject this wisdom, thinking, NO! Most of my troubles are just because of accidental mishaps or bad genes. I can't be doing anything bad enough to deserve cancer (or whatever serious trouble they or their loved ones have). And what about children? What did they do to deserve such horrible things?

People reject the truth because they do not understand the complete picture of God and the world, and most of the time, this happens because they were taught badly by their different sects of faith and their communities, which are full of the wrong ideas of God and the world, such as too much focus on God's love and overly romantic and unrealistic notions of God and the world.

These ideal but erroneous notions people have, make them live life and make choices that are very harmful, to themselves as well as their loved ones, even if they protest to be devout believers who are trying to pursue what is right by God. At least, what they think is right by God, but what I've learned over the years is that even the most learned in spiritual matters have gotten much wrong, and so we see the world is full of suffering, even for the innocent and the most devout communities.

This is why innocent children suffer so much. It is because people are taught wrong about many sins and often deny what wrongdoing is and that they are doing things that brings God to judge their wrongs, which inevitably often affects a whole family and community, and not just the individuals that do wrong. God and the world often work very differently from what people believe.

And so the world is full of what I call Aching Prosperity - the longing for blessing and prosperity that is very much hindered by the beliefs and choices people make, especially in the areas of love and community. This site is meant to highlight those bad notions that hurt society and give you insight and wisdom to correct them. If you take to heart what is shared here and act in it, then your, and hopefully, the world's, aches and yearning would diminish and be a thing of the past.

With this in mind, I want to explain why the 4-leafed clover and claddagh (at top) were chosen for Aching Prosperity. Much like other cultural symbols, such as the hamsa hand for Jews and the Middle East, the 4-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck and fortune or protection, but Aching Prosperity goes further with this universal symbol of blessing. The jeweled clover represents some very important wisdom that explains why good and bad happen to us. It is summed up as: The best Blessings in life come from the right walk in Virtue, Faith, Hope, and Love; while doing them wrong will inevitably bring troubles.

The claddagh clover is a reminder that Great Blessing for us depends on how we work Virtue, Faith, Hope, and Love. Without all these elements working well in our lives, there is bound to be trouble, so everytime you see a clover, remember this spiritual relationship and the wisdom, testimonies, and counsel you find here. It will help you turn the Key to Life's Blessings. And if you have personal issues that you would like help with, please feel free to contact me.

If you're unfamiliar with claddaghs, the Irish claddagh ring represents fidelity to a loved one, and rings, themselves, represent promise and loyalty, so all together the Aching Prosperity claddagh is meant to have you remember that God's promises of great blessings depend on how you protect Virtue, Faith, Hope, and Love that is actually right, as opposed to "right" by the wrong notions of people and believing sects (Aching Prosperity's claddagh uses a shield instead of a heart to represent this protection. The design was inspired by the original Irish creator of the claddagh ring, Richard Joyce, whose example in the oldest known claddagh to exist, made it with a more shield-like heart, c.1690's; pictured below[1.1]).

Oldest claddagh ring made by the creator of the claddagh, Richard Joyce, c. 1690's on display at the Galway City Museum

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[1.1] "Richard Joyce and the oldest known Claddagh ring". Galway City Musuem. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 7

Pastor Ty Alexander is an ordained, nondenominational Elder Minister of Christ with over 15 years experience

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