Aching Prosperity - Rathúnas Tnúthánach


Dictionary Reference of Irish Slang, English-Irish,
and Gaeilge Used in Aching Prosperity

Pronunciation - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Map

About pronunciations:
There are many Irish dialects that sound vastly different. This book generally prefers a North Irish “Ulster/Donegal” accent for pronunciations, which are given in quotes in [square brackets].

The Irish long “fada” vowels – á é í ó ú – are usually stressed in a word and should be pronounced with a longer duration than short vowels – a e i o u – without the fada accent mark. However, stressing in words will not be given in pronunciations to keep things simple. The first syllable is usually stressed in the Ulster/Donegal dialect even if following syllables have long fada vowels.

Slender ‘d’s (d’s next to an ‘e’ or ‘i’) are usually pronounced as ‘j’ in the Ulster/Donegal dialect.
Slender ‘t’s (t’s next to an ‘e’ or ‘i’) are usually pronounced as ‘ch’ in the Ulster/Donegal dialect.

Words labeled “Gaeilge” are Irish Gaelic in origin.
Words labeled “English-Irish” are Anglicized words. Much modern Irish is Anglicized Irish Gaelic.
Words without a label are English or are not completely Irish Gaelic or Anglicized Irish Gaelic. Pronunciations are not given for English words.
Words or names labeled with a § were made up by the author for Aching Prosperity.

Pronunciation Key:
Dashes ( - ) separate syllables.
Three dashes ( --- ) are omitted pronunciations for non-Irish Gaelic words.
Apostrophes ( ‘ ) separate sounds for easier reading but do not separate the syllable.
Consonants that repeat, such as in “karrn” for cairn should be pronounced with a longer, more emphasized sound of the consonant.

‘æ’ is an ‘a’ sound as in ash, cat, or hat, not ‘ah’ or ‘ay’ as in ago, pa, or hay.
‘a’ or ‘ah’ is an ‘a’ sound as in pa, ago, or fah, lah, lah.
‘ay’ is the long ‘ā’ sound as in hay or neigh.
‘e’ or ‘eh’ is an ‘e’ sound as in peck or heck.
‘ee’ is the long ‘ē’ sound as in seen or knee.
‘i’ or ‘ih’ is an ‘i’ sound as in pick or sick.
‘yy’ is the long ‘i’ sound as in eye or pie.
‘kh’ is a hard, long ‘k’ + ‘h’ sound.
‘g’ is always a hard ‘g’, “guh” sound, not a ‘j’ sound as in jay or gee-whiz.
‘ny’ is an ‘n’ + ‘y’ sound, like the Spanish ‘ñ‘ in niño, pronounced “neen-yo”.
‘o’ is an ‘o’ sound as in mock or sock.
‘oh’ is a long ‘ō’ sound as in woe or low.
‘oo’ is the “ooh” sound as in flu or shoe.
‘oww’ is the “ow” sound as in cow or plow.
‘u’ or ‘uh’ is a ‘u’ sound as in muck or slug.

« a chara [“ah kahr-rah”](Gaeilge) – used when addressing a friend; means “my friend” or “dear friend”

« a stór [“ah stor”](Gaeilge) – used when addressing someone as a term of endearment; means “my treasure or my darling”

« ádh mór [“ah mor”](Gaeilge) – “good luck”; literally “big luck” from the Gaeilge words, ádh [“ah”], for luck and, mór, for big

« Ailbhe [“æl-veh”](Gaeilge Name) – King of the Muintir an Éisc; Ailbhe means “white” possibly from the old Gaelic root, albho, for white; can be translated as Albert

« ailpín [“æl-peen”](Gaeilge) – a stout-headed stick

« aindeiseoir [“æn-jeh-shor”](Gaeilge Slang) – an unfortunate person or thing

« Áine [“æn-yeh”](Gaeilge Name) – a nurse servant from Cnoc na Rí; Áine means “radiance, joy, praise, fasting”; can be translated as Ann, Anne, Anna, or Hannah

« áirneál [“ahrr-nya’ul”](Gaeilge Slang) – a friendly night visit

« Áiteoir [“æ-chor”](Gaeilge Slang/Name) – the kingdom controlling most of Rathúnas; áiteoir means “argumentative man” from the same Gaeilge word

« Alastar Duer § [“ah-lah-stir doo-er”](English-Irish Name) – woodcarver from Netleaf of Eritirim; Alastar means “swan-bearer” and can be translated as Alexander, which means savior or defender of man; Duer means “hero or heroic”

« amaideach [“ah-mah-jawkh”](Gaeilge) – silly, absurd, idiotic, foolish, daft, or crazy

« Amber Lyn Ealaí § [“--- lin ah-lee”](Gaeilge and English Name) – Princess of Lacharan and the House of Ealaí; Amber (English) from the precious gemstone; Lyn or Lynn (Gaeilge) means “lake, waterfall, lightning”; Ealaí (Gaeilge) is literally “swans”, the plural of the Gaeilge word, eala [“ah-luh“], for swan

« anbobracht [“ahn-boh-brahkt”](Gaeilge) – a withering, wasting sickness

« Azure – see Seabhac Azure

« babby [“bah-bee”](English-Irish Slang) – “baby”; a term used to call someone a baby or child

« baile [“bwyy-leh”](Gaeilge) – town or home

« banjax (English-Irish Slang) – broken, ruined, or tired

« banndaire [“bahn-deh-reh”](Gaeilge Slang) – a disappointed person

« Bá Rí § [“bah ree”](Gaeilge Name) – the bay at the mouth of the River Bradán and River Valley; the name translates to “King’s Bay” from the Gaeilge, bá, for bay and, rí, for king

« báthlach [“bahh-lokhk”](Gaeilge Slang) – an awkward clown

« bealing (English-Irish Slang) – disgusting, gross

« bean [“bæn”](Gaeilge) – a wife or woman

« Bearach [“bæ-rahkh”](Gaeilge Name) – a royal guard of Lacharan; means “sharp, intelligent” or “spear” from the Gaeilge word, biorach [“buh-rahk“], meaning sharp or tricky; variants include Berach and it can be translated as Barry

« bird (English-Irish Slang) – a girlfriend (lover); see also mot and fella

A bodhrán frame drum
with three tippers

(click image for detail)
« bodhrán [“buh-ron”](Gaeilge) – a traditional Irish, handheld frame drum much like a large tambourine; some historians think the bodhrán came from the tambourine and lost that instrument’s jingles or small cymbals; others note ancient tambourines, timbrels or tabrets mentioned in Biblical texts dated to about 1000 B.C. were likely frame drums with no jingles, which would be the same kind of drum as the bodhrán; the bodhrán’s drumhead is typically made of animal skin like goat hide and is beat with a small wooden stick called a tipper or beater; the bodhrán’s use in war is unclear in ancient Irish history, but there are references to drums being used by Celtic armies as they fought the Romans; the bodhrán was not a signature instrument in traditional Irish music until Seán Ó Riada [“shæn oh ree-dah”] used it in his compositions during the 1960’s for his musical group, Ceoltóirí Chualann [“kohl-tor-ee hoo-lahn”], which could be translated Cualann Dublin Musicians, named for the area outside of Dublin (Cualann [“koo-lahn”]) where Ó Riada lived; click here to hear the author's depiction of the céilí bodhrán entrance in Chapter Five

« bouzzie [“boww-zee”](English-Irish Slang) – a young, good-for-nothing person, trouble-maker

« Braede [“bray-dah”](Gaeilge Name) – the mill keeper of Loch an Scátháin and an envoy for the Torthúil Kingdom; originally a mine owner from Cloch Lom in the Méine Kingdom; Braede means “from the dark valley”

« Bress [“brehs”](English-Irish Name) – Rórdán’s primary messenger hawk; Bress means “exhalted one” and comes from the Gaeilge name Bríd [“breed”], Brighid or Bridghe [“breej”], which can be translated as Bridget, Brigit, or Brigid

« Brónach [“broh-nahkh”](Gaeilge Name) – the wife of Braede and sister of Mab from Loch an Scátháin; means “sorrow” from the Gaeilge word, brón [“brohn”], for sorrow

« burster (English-Irish Slang) – someone powerfully built or intimidating looking

« cairn [“karrn”](English-Irish) – a burial mound of piled rocks

« Cairn Cath Road § [“karrn kahh ---”](Gaeilge and English Name) – a road leading from Lochtán an Eidhneáin to Loch Chnámh an Áidh; translates to “Burial Mound Battle Road” from cairn and the Gaeilge word, cath, for battle

« Canal Valley § – also called the Desert Valley; it is the River Valley of Eritirim in Alastar’s time

« Capall Bán § [“cah-puhl bahn”] (Gaeilge Name) – “White Horse”; the supernatural, glowing, white horse that appears to give messages with hope and victory; it is the Eachraighe clan’s guardian similar to the Aibell, Aoibhell, or Aoibheall [“ee-vahl”] spirit in Irish mythology

« Carraig Mhór § [“kahr-rig wor”](Gaeilge Name) – the site on the north shore of Rathúnas where the first Irish harp was made; translates to “Great Rock” from the Gaeilge words, carraig, for rock and mór [“mor”] for big

« Cathal [“kah-hul”](Gaeilge Name) – an Eachraighe soldier of Lacharan; means “battle rule”, “battle ruler”, or “great warrior” from the Gaeilge word, cath [“cah”], for battle; can be translated as Charles

« céad míle mar aon § [“kayd meel mar een”](Gaeilge) – “a hundred thousand as one”; it means a multitude of people moving with unified mind and purpose of spirit

« céilí [“kay-lee”](Gaeilge) – a social dancing party or get-together

« chancer [“chæn-sir”](English-Irish Slang) – a dodgy, risky character

« Chnámh an Áidh § [“kraw ahn aw”](Gaeilge Name) – see Loch Chnámh an Áidh

« Cliffs of Marmair § [“cliffs of mahr-mur”](Gaeilge and English Name) – cliffs along the northeast shore of the Muir Airgid; the Gaeilge word, marmair, translates to marble

« Cloch Lom § [“klukh lum”](Gaeilge Name) – a city in the north mountains of Rathúnas controlled by the Áiteoir Kingdom; translates to “bare stone” from the Gaeilge words, cloch, for stone and, lom, for bare

« Clochán na Láimhe § [“kluhk-un nah læ-veh”](Gaeilge Name) – a city in the southeast of Rathúnas controlled by the Áiteoir Kingdom; translates to “Stepping Stones of the Hand” from the Gaeilge words, clochán, for stepping stones and, lámh [“læv”], for hand or arm

« cnoc [“kruk” or “nahk”](Gaeilge) – “hill”

« Cnoc Earraigh § [“kruk ah-ree”](Gaeilge Name) – site of an old castle in the east of Rathúnas; translates to “Spring Hill” from the Gaeilge words, cnoc, for hill and, earrach [“ah-rah”], for spring

« Cnoc na Raithní § [“kruk nah ræ-nee”](Gaeilge Name) – the ancestral burial grounds of the Torthúil Kingdom near Loch an Scátháin; translates to “Fern Mountain” from the Gaeilge words, cnoc, for hill and, raithneach [“ræ-nokh”], for fern

« Cnoc na Rí § [“kruk nah ree”](Gaeilge Name) – capitol city of the Torthúil Kingdom; translates to “Hill of the King” from the Gaeilge words, cnoc, for hill and, rí, for king

« Cnoc Seamair § [“kruk shæ-mur”](Gaeilge Name) – the market district of Cnoc na Rí; translates to “Clover Hill” from the Gaeilge words, cnoc, for hill and, seamair, for clover

« Conall [“kah-nul”](Gaeilge Name) – Governor and Commander of Loch an Scátháin; husband of Flann and father of Ula; means “strong wolf”, “strong as a wolf”, “strong in battle”, or “high and mighty”; comes from the Gaeilge word for hound, cú [“coo”]; variants include Connell and Connelly

« Conn [“kahn”](Gaeilge Name) – Commander Captain of the Eachraighe in Lacharan; means “war hound, chief, wisdom” from the Gaeilge word for hound, cú [“coo”] or cenn/ceann, for head or chief; variants include Con, Cone, and Conne and can be translated as Conan, Conway, Conrad, Cornelius, Constantine, Quintus, or Quinn

« Coral Leaf § – English for Duille Coiréil; see Duille Coiréil

« craic [“kræk”](English-Irish Slang) – to have fun or a good time; also to have casual conversation; this word is not truly Gaelic but comes from Middle-English slang, crak or crack, meaning conversation or news in Scotland and northern England

« cré-umha [“kray-oo”](Gaeilge) – bronze metal or ore

« Cré-umha Draíochta § [“kray-oo dree-ehkk-tah”](Gaeilge Name) – the enchanted trademark bronze metal alloy of the Torthúil Kingdom; literally “enchanted bronze” from the Gaeilge words, cré-umha, for bronze and, draíocht [“dree-ehkkt”], for magic or enchantment

« cupán tae [“kup-ahn tay”](Gaeilge) – “cup of tea”; an expression used to offer social tea

« dadaí [“dah-dee”](Gaeilge) – “daddy or dad”

« Desert Valley § – also called the Canal Valley; it is the “River Valley” of Eritirim in Alastar’s time

« Donavan Ealaí § [“--- ah-lee”](Gaeilge and English Name) – The first Donavan Ealai was Amber’s great, great, great grandfather; founder of Lacharan and the Eachraighe Clan; Donavan or Donovan means “strong fighter” and “brown-haired, chieftain leader”; it comes from a shortened form of O’Donndubhán meaning descendant of Donndubhán, which means dark brown from the Gaeilge words, donn [“don”], for brown and, dubh [“doo”], for black or dark; ealaí, is literally “swans”, the plural form of eala [“ah-luh“] for swan

« doss [“daws”](English-Irish Slang) – used in “on the doss” to mean “playing truant”

« dradairín [“drah-dah-reen”](Gaeilge) – a small, useless potato

« dray (English-Irish Slang) – a horse drawn cart, sled, or sledge, low and strong, usually used for heavy loads

« Draíodóir [“dree-ah-dor”](Gaeilge Name) – King of the Áiteoir Kingdom; literally “magician” from the Gaeilge word

« Duille Coiréil § [“dul-yeh kor-rehl”](Gaeilge Name) – a town in the River Valley founded by Alastar and Amber; translates to “Coral Leaf” from the Gaeilge words, duille, for leaf and, coiréal [“kuh-reel”], for coral

« dún [“doon”](Gaeilge) – a fort or to close/shut

« Dún Liath § [“doon lee-ah”](Gaeilge Name) – a castle fortress on the east coast of Rathúnas; translates to “Fort Gray” from the Gaeilge words, dún, for fort and, liath, for gray

« Dún Tearmann § [“doon teer-muhn”](Gaeilge and English Name) – a fort village west of Loch an Scátháin belonging to the Torthúil Kingdom; translates to “Fort Tearmann” from the Gaeilge word, dún, for fort

« Eachraighe § [“ahkh-ree”](Gaeilge Name) – the clan of Lacharan and a clan of the Torthúil Kingdom; translates to “People or Kingdom of the Horse” from the Gaeilge word, eachra [“ahkh-rah”], for team or stable of horses and righe or raighe, a suffix used for people-names

« éanshee § [“ayn-shee”](English-Irish) – enchanted bird mimics (animated birds of stone) used by the Áiteoir to carry messages; the word comes from the Gaeilge words, éan [“ayn”], for bird and, sí [“shee”], for fairy, enchanting, or deceptive

« Earraigh [“ah-ree”](Gaeilge Name) – see Cnoc Earraigh; literally “spring” from the Gaeilge word, earrach [“ah-rah”], for the season of spring

« Éimhín [“ay-veen”](Gaeilge Name) – Alastar’s horse; means “swift or prompt”

« Éisc [“eshk”](Gaeilge Name) – short for Muintir an Éisc; see Muintir an Éisc; translates to “fish” (plural) from the Gaeilge word, iasc [“ee’ehsk”], for fish (singular)

« Eithne [“ehn-nyeh”](Gaeilge Name) – Éimhín’s mother; means “kernel or grain”; can be translated as Edna or Enya

« Eritirim § [“ehr-rih-chih-rihm”](English-Irish Name) – the isle of Rathúnas in Alastar’s time; means “dry land” from the Gaeilge word, tirim [“chih-rihm”], for dry

« fáelshee § [“fahl-shee”](English-Irish) – supernatural giant, black lion wolves from the Rásúir Mountains; the word comes from the Gaeilge words, fáel (Old Irish), for wolf and, sí [“shee”], for fairy, enchanting, or deceptive

« fáilte [“fahl-chay”](Gaeilge) – “welcome”

« fallaing [“fah-ling”](Gaeilge) – mantle, cloak, or robe

« fásachsee § [“fah-sahk-shee”](English-Irish) – supernatural desert voices

« fallsáin [“fæl-syyn”](Gaeilge) – a very lazy person or sluggard

« Féile Plandála § [“fay-leh plahn-dah-lah”](Gaeilge) – “Planting Festival”; comes from the Gaeilge words, féile, for festival and, plandáil [“plahn-dahl”], for planting or cultivation

« fella (English-Irish Slang) – boyfriend (lover) or man; see also bird and mot

« ferta (English-Irish) – ancestral burial grounds

« Fionn [“fin” or “fee’ohn”](Gaeilge Name) – a farmer from Loch an Scátháin; the husband of Mab and father of Nola; Fionn means “fair-haired” or “fair, white” from Old Irish, finn, meaning white; variants include Finn and Fion

« Flann [“flahhn”](Gaeilge Name) – wife of Conall and mother of Ula from Loch an Scátháin; means “red, ruddy, red-haired”; variants include Flannán

« Fuar [“foor”](Gaeilge Name) – King of Torthúil with his seat in Cnoc na Rí; literally “cold” from the Gaeilge word

« Gabhann [“goh-en”](Gaeilge Name) – an old commander from the Méine Kingdom; Gabhann means “smith, audacity”; can be translated as Gavin or Gowan

« Gap Dearg § [“--- jahr-ig”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the gap through the Torthúil Mountains near Cnoc na Rí from the River Valley to the north; dearg means “red”

« Garbhán [“gahr-vahn”](Gaeilge Name) – Alastar’s father; Garbhán means “little rough one” from the Gaeilge word, garbh [“gah-roo or gah-ruv“] for rough or rugged

« geata [“gæt-tah”](Gaeilge) – “gate or gateway”

« Gearóid [“ger-rudge”](Gaeilge Name) – Duke of Lacharan and leader of the Eachraighe; means “spear carrier” or “brave with a spear”; can be translated as Garrett, Gerald, Gerard, or Gerrit

« Géar-Mear Abú § [“geer-mehr ah-boo”](Gaeilge) – the slúagh-ghairm [“sloo-ah-hahrm”] or battle cry of the Eachraighe and Torthúil soldiers; means “Sharp and Fast to Victory”; it refers to their sharp swords and spears and fast horses; Irish clans often used battle cries like this; it identified the family or clan and was like a motto or slogan; the word slogan even comes from slúagh-ghairm; Abú was often used in Irish battle cries and comes from bua [“boo-ah”], the word for victory or triumph, which is a form of buaigh [“boo-ee”], the verb for win or gain; the battle cries were so common that England’s King Henry VIII banned them when he was taking control of Ireland; it is interesting that modern military cries like, “Booyah! Oorah! Hooah! & Hooyah!” all sound like Búa and Abú

« Giant’s Hammer § – a huge, sheer cliff face in the south mountains at the mouth of the River Valley

« Gilroy [“gil-roy”](English-Irish Name) – royal chancellor of the Torthúil Kingdom from Cnoc na Rí; he addresses himself as Gilroy Mac Dáithí, Giolla Rí [“gil-roy mahk dah-hee, gil-lah ree”], meaning “Gilroy, Son of Dáithí – the King’s Servant”; Gilroy likely comes from the combination of giolla (“servant”) and ruaidh, rua, or ruaigh (“red, red-haired, to make red”) or giolla and rí (“king”)

« Glasa [“glah-sah”](Gaeilge Name) – see Prophecies Glasa

« Gleann Creagach § [“glahn kræ-gukh”](Gaeilge Name) – the capitol city of the Áiteoir Kingdom on the north shore of the Muir Airgid; translates to “Rocky Valley” from the Gaeilge words, gleann, for valley or glen and, creagach, for rocky, craggy or barren

« Greerian § [“greer-ee’in”](English-Irish Name) – supernatural, golden guardian sentry eagles of the Torthúil Kingdom; comes from the name Greer, which is a variant of Gregor or Gregory meaning watchful or vigilant from the Latin word gregorius; the name Greer generally means “watchful guardian”

« grilse – refers to salmon that come up rivers to spawn, typically during early summer and through fall; more specifically the word refers to salmon that have returned from the ocean for the first time

« hardchaw (English-Irish Slang) – a rough, tough person or someone overeager for a fight

« honey-moon (English-Irish) – the origins of the honeymoon are in dispute, but likely refers to a newly married couple taking a month off (a moon) to be together and drink mead or honey wine, which was thought to aid fertility; this tradition is cross-cultural around Europe, Asia and the Middle-East and predates the etymology of the English word “honeymoon” or originally “hony moone”; the English etymology can be traced to the middle of the 16th Century; the Irish translation is “mí na meala” meaning “month of honey” or “honey month” and the tradition likely comes from Celtic culture before the settlement of Ireland since honeymoon traditions were observed in Germanic, Middle-Eastern, and Mediterranean cultures from which the Celtic cultures got their roots, and Ireland was settled by the Celts around 500 B.C.; the modern notion of traveling for the honeymoon came later at the end of the 18th Century when taking a journey after marriage started with the English; it was called the “bridal tour” or “voyage à la façon anglaise” (English-style voyage) by the French and was sometimes accompanied by family or friends to visit relatives who could not attend the wedding

« horse’s hoof (English-Irish Slang) – an exaggerated, embellished story

« jig (English-Irish) – an Irish dance or tune set to a beat of six

« kip (English-Irish Slang) – a nap or rest

« Lacharan § [“lah-kahr-run”](English-Irish Name) – port city on the east coast of Rathúnas belonging to the Torthúil Kingdom; seat of the Eachraighe Clan; founded by the first Donavan Ealaí

« ladhb [“lyyb”](Gaeilge Slang) – an awkward-looking young man or boy

« lagharitshee § [“lee-urch-shee”](English-Irish) – supernatural swamp bog lizards the size of a wolf that breaths sleeping fumes; the word comes from the Gaeilge words, laghairt [“lee-urch”], for lizard and, sí [“shee”], for fairy, enchanting, or deceptive

« lampróga [“lahm-proh-gah”](Gaeilge) – “fireflies”; from the singular form of the Gaeilge word for glow-worm or firefly, lampróg [“lahm-prahg”]

« Laochmarú § [“lee-ukhk-mah-roo”](Gaeilge Name) – Commander General of the Áiteoir Kingdom; means “killing warrior” from the Gaeilge words, marú [“mah-roo”], for killing and, laoch [“lee-uhk”], for warrior or hero

« lashing (English-Irish Slang) – a heavy rainfall or a lot of something

« léine [“lay-nyah”](Gaeilge) – refers to the ancient, traditional Irish “war shirt” tunic that predate kilts; typically hangs just above the knees or down to the ankles and has long hanging, flared sleeves; modern skirt-like kilts come from Scottish influence; léine is the modern Irish Gaelic word for a shirt

« local (English-Irish Slang) – pub or bar

« loch [“lahkh”](Gaeilge) – “lake”; this word is Anglicized as “lough,” which can be seen in many lake names in Ireland

« Loch an Scátháin § [“lahkh ahn skyy-hyyn”](Gaeilge Name) – town in the west of the Torthúil Mountains; feeds the River Bradán of the River Valley; also called the Mirror of the Mountains; translates to “Mirror Lake” from the Gaeilge words, loch, for lake and, scáthán [“skah-hahn”], for mirror

« Loch Chnámh an Áidh § [“lahkh kraw ahn aw”](Gaeilge Name) – city in the northeast of Rathúnas; translates to “Lucky Bone Lake” from the Gaeilge words, loch, for lake, cnámh [“croww”], for bone and, ádh [“ah”], for luck

« Lochtán an Eidhneáin § [“lahkh-tun ahn yy-nyyn”](Gaeilge Name) – port city on the east of the Muir Airgid; translates to “Ivy Terrace” from the Gaeilge words, lochtán, for terrace and, eidheann [“yy-un”], for ivy

« Lorcán [“lorkh-kun”](Gaeilge Name) – son of Rían and was King of Torthúil after him; Father of the House of Lorcán and great, great, great grandfather of King Fuar; means “little fierce one, silent” from the Gaeilge word, lorcc [“lork”], for fierce; can be translated as Lawrence or Laurence

« Lorgaire [“lor-geh-reh”](Gaeilge Name) – a clan of the Áiteoir Kingdom famous for scouts; also refers to the Áiteoir scouts; translates to “tracker, pursuer, detective, seeker, searcher” from the same Gaeilge word

« Mab [“mahhb”](Gaeilge Name) – wife of Fionn and mother of Nola from Loch an Scátháin; means “happy, happiness”; variants include Mabb, Mabby, Maud; may have come from Medb, Maeve, Méabh, or Meadhbh

« mainidh [“mah-nee”](Gaeilge) – lunatic or crazy person

« Mairéad [“mah-raid” or “mah-red”](Gaeilge Name) – Amber’s attendant servant; means “pearl”

« mam [“mahm”](English-Irish Slang) – “mom”

« Marmair [“mahr-mur”](Gaeilge Name) – see Cliffs of Marmair; literally “marble” from the same Gaeilge word

« Méine [“meen-yeh”](Gaeilge Name) – Kingdom that had controlled the northeast of Rathúnas before it was conquered by the Áiteoir Kingdom; literally “ore” from the same Gaeilge word

« midge (English-Irish Slang) – a small fly or gnat

« millie up (English-Irish Slang) – “get ready or fight”

« mot (English-Irish Slang) – a girlfriend (lover); see also bird

« Muintir an Éisc § [“moo’un-chir ahn eshk”](Gaeilge Name) – the supernatural mermen/mermaids of the Muir Airgid; translates to “Fish People” or “People of the Fish” from the Gaeilge words, muintir, for people and, éisc, for fish (plural) from iasc [“ee’ehsk”] (fish singular)

« Muir Airgid § [“muh’ehr ehr-eh-gehj”](Gaeilge Name) – an inland sea at the center of Rathúnas; translates to “Silver Sea” from the Gaeilge words, muir, for sea and, airgead [“ahr-gid”], for silver

« Muirgel [“muh’ehr-gel”](Gaeilge Name) – Amber’s horse; means “bright sea” from the Gaeilge words, muir [“muh’ehr”], for sea and geal [“gee’æl”] for bright, shining, or sunny; variants include Muirgheal and it can be translated as Muriel

« Murchadh [“mer-rah-hoo”](Gaeilge Name) – Prince of the Muintir an Éisc; means “sea warrior” or “protector of the sea” from the Gaeilge words, muir [“muh’ehr”], for sea and, cadh, for warrior or cath [“cahh”] for battle; can be translated as Murdo, Murdoch, Murrough, Morrow, or Murphy

« Murtagh [“mur-tah”](Gaeilge Name) – a merchant in Cnoc na Rí; means “skilled in the ways of the sea” from the Gaeilge word, muir [“muh’ehr”], for sea; can be translated as Mortimer, Mort, or Morty and may come from Muirchertach, meaning “mariner”, or Muirdach, meaning “lord”

« murúch [“mur-roohkh”](Gaeilge) – supernatural merman or mermaid

« nawful (English-Irish Slang) – terrible, awful

« Neese [“nees”](English-Irish Name) – an archer from Lacharan; means “choice”; may come from Naos, meaning “son of Aoghus/Angus”

« Niall [“neel” or “nyy’uhl”](Gaeilge Name) – a royal guard from Lacharan; means “champion” or “cloud”; may come from Gaeilge, niadh, for warrior or champion or, néal [“nee-æl”], for cloud; can be translated as Neil, Neal, Nigel, or Nigellus

« Netleaf § – a coastal town on the east shore of Eritirim; Alastar’s hometown

« Nola [“noh-lah”](English-Irish Name) – daughter of Fionn and Mab from Loch an Scátháin; means “famous” or “fair-shouldered”; a variant of the name Nuala or short for Finola

« Nuala [“noo-ah-lah”](Gaeilge Name) – Alastar’s childhood friend from Netleaf; means “famous” or “fair-shouldered”; short for Fionnuala or Finola; can be translated as Nola

« óglach [“ohg-lahk”](Gaeilge) – a young man, young warrior, or military volunteer; also an attendant, servant or vassal

« oll-péist trícheannach § [“ol-paysht tree-kahn-ahk”](Gaeilge) – “Great Lamprey-Leech”; supernatural, giant, scaled, three-headed lamprey-like worms that shoot sticky webbed tongues out their mouths; “oll” means giant or great, “péist” is worm, and, trícheannach, means “three-headed”; the oll-péist trícheannach is a combination of the oilliphéist and ellén trechend from Irish mythology

« peckish (English-Irish Slang) – to feel hungry

« Potaire § [“pot-teh-reh”](Gaeilge Name) – a coastal town on the east shore of Rathúnas; literally “potter” from the Gaeilge word

« pram [“prahm”](English-Irish Slang) – a baby’s carriage or stroller

« Prophecies Glasa § [“prophecies glah-sah”](English and Gaeilge Name) – prophecies written in walls of emerald; “glasa” is the plural form of the Gaeilge word, glas [“glahs”], for green

« rashers (English-Irish Slang) – pieces of bacon

« Rásúir Mountains § [“ræ-soor ---”](English and Gaeilge Name) – a mountain range in the north central of Rathúnas; literally “Razor Mountains” from the Gaeilge word, rásúr [“ræ-soor”], for razor

« Rathúnas § [“ræ-hoon-us”](GaeilgeName) – the name of Aching Prosperity’s isle; it is called Eritirim in Alastar’s time; literally “prosperity” from the same Gaeilge word; see Map of Rathúnas

« Rathúnas Tnúthánach § [“ræ-hoon-us troo-ah-hun-ahkh”](Gaeilge Name) – this book’s title; literally “Aching/Yearning Prosperity” from the Gaeilge words, rathúnas, for prosperity and, tnúthánach, for yearning

« Réalta Mountains § [“ræl-tah ---”](English and Gaeilge Name) – a mountain range outside of Rathúnas; Réalta translates to “star” from the same Gaeilge word

« reel (English-Irish) – an Irish dance or tune set to a beat of four or eight

« Rían [“ree-in”](Gaeilge Name) – Amber’s great, great, great, great grandfather; first king of Rathúnas and founder of the Torthúil Kingdom; father of the first Donavan Ealaí and Lorcán; founded Cnoc na Rí; means “kingly, little king” from the Gaeilge word, rí [“ree”], for king; can be translated as Ryan

« Rían’s Gate § [“ree-in’s ---”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the large gateway at the north end of Gap Dearg; built by King Rían (see Rían)

« River Bradán § [“--- brah-don” or “brah-dahn”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the river of the River Valley and Torthúil Mountains; Bradán translates to “salmon” from the same Gaeilge word

« River Seascannach § [“--- shæs-kon-nahkh”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the river flowing northeast from the Muir Airgid to the North Sea; Seascannach translates to “boggy” from the same Gaeilge word

« River Valley § – the main valley in the Torthúil Mountains

« Rónán [“roh-nahn”](Gaeilge Name) – an Eachraighe soldier of Lacharan; means “little seal”; comes from the Gaeilge word, rón [“rohn”], for seal

« Rórdán [“ror-dahn”]Gaeilge Name) – scribe, bird keeper and commander under Conall from Loch an Scátháin; means “little poet king, bard king, poet king”; the name comes from the older Irish version, Ríoghbhardán; variants include Rearden, Reardan, Riordan, and Riorden

« scáilshee § [“skæl-shee”](English-Irish) – a horned fairy resembling a large hummingbird; its single horn is like a unicorn’s and it is known for leading travelers off their intended path; also called a shadow fairy; comes from the Gaeilge words, scáil [“skæl”], for shadow and, sí [“shee”], for fairy, enchanting, or deceptive

« scanger (English-Irish Slang) – a rough, poor person

« sciathánshee § [“skee-hahn-shee”](English-Irish) – large supernatural bats that can teleport and have venomous bites; comes from the Gaeilge words, sciathán [“skee-hahn”], for wing and, sí [“shee”], for fairy, enchanting, or deceptive

« sé do bheatha [“shay dah vah-hah”](Gaeilge) – a classy way to say “hello”; translates as “It’s your life”

« seabhac [“shawwk”](Gaeilge) – a hawk or falcon; used to carry messages in the Torthúil Kingdom

« Seabhac Azure § [“shawwk ---”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the special, supernatural white hawk (see seabhac) with blue beak and markings who guides people; azure is the color of a blue, cloudless sky when looking straight up

« selkie (English-Irish) – supernatural seal-human equivalent of a mermaid/merman

« shadow fairy § (English) - see scáilshee

« siosóg [“shish-og”](Gaeilge) – a puckered, sucking kiss; the sound of hissing, like steam escaping; a whisper

« skint (English Irish Slang) – to be broke or have no money

« sláinte [“slan-cheh”](Gaeilge) – an expression for making a toast; means “health”

« slán [“slahn”]
slán agat [“slahn ah-gut”]
slán agaibh [“slahn ah-guv”]
slán leat [“slahn lee’et”]
slán libh [“slahn liv”](Gaeilge) – slán means “bye” or literally safe as in “have a safe journey”; agat, agaibh, leat, and libh are forms of the prepositions, ag [“ahg”], meaning “at me/you/he/she/them” and, le [“leh”], meaning “with me/you/he/she/them” used to modify slán, so literally the modified forms of slán state “safe at/with you” or “safety be with you”; ag and le have forms for singular or plural parties, and slán recognizes whether you are saying bye to people staying behind or leaving; “slán agat” is used to say bye to one person staying behind while you go; “slán agaibh” is used to say bye to more than one person staying behind while you go; “slán leat”is used to say bye to one person who is going away while you stay or go; “slán libh” is used to say bye to more than one person going away while you stay or go; slán can simply be used alone in any case if you forget what form to use; slán is also used with other words such as in “slán abhaile” meaning literally “safe home” or “have a safe journey home”

« stór [“stor”](Gaeilge) – “treasure” or “darling”; see “a stór”

« tine [“chin-neh”](Gaeilge) – “fire”

« Torthúil § [“tar-hool”](Gaeilge Name) – the kingdom controlling the southeast of Rathúnas, mainly the Torthúil Mountains and Lacharan; founded by Rían, father of Lorcán and the first Donavan Ealaí; literally “fruitful” from the same Gaeilge word

« Torthúil Mountains § [“tahr-hool ---”](English and Gaeilge Name) – the main mountain range of the Torthúil Kingdom (see Torthúil) in the southeast of Rathúnas; translates to “Fruitful Mountains” from the Gaeilge word, torthúil [“tar-hool”], for fruitful

« Túr an Tairbh § [“toor ahn tah-rev”](Gaeilge Name) – a city in the east of Rathúnas controlled by the Áiteoir Kingdom; translates to “Tower of the Bull” from the Gaeilge words, túr, for tower and, tarbh [“tah-roo”], for bull

« Turnmor § (English-Irish Name) – a watch post on the east shore of Rathúnas belonging to the Torthúil Kingdom and Lacharan; the name comes from the English word, turn, and Gaeilge word, mór [“mor”], for big or great

« Ula [“oo-lah”](Gaeilge Name) – daughter of Fionn and Flann from Loch an Scátháin; means “jewel of the sea, little bear”; can be translated as Ulla, Eulalia, Ursula, or Ulrika.
« Map of Rathúnas (click to zoom in)
Map of Rathúnas


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